Monday, February 21, 2011

Inside Out Christianity

by Cicely V. Wilson
1 Corinthians 5:12-13 (Amplified) What [business] of mine is it adn what right have I to judge outsiders?  Is it not those inside [the church] upon whom  you are to pass disciplinary judgment [passing censuring sentence ont hem as the facts require]? God alone sits in judgment on those who are outside.  Drive otu that wicked one from among you [expel him from your church].
1 Corinthians 5:12-13 (Message)  I'm not responsible for what the outsiders do, but don't we have some responsibility for those within our community of believers? God decides on the outsiders, but we need to decide when our brothers and sisters are out of line and, if necessary, clean house.
There are so many dimensions of church culture I can address, yet I want to expound upon where my passion lies the most:  the PEOPLE and BEHAVIOR that lies within the church.  First and foremost, let me say that the church is not a BUILDING where Christians congregate every Sunday morning.  The church is within the souls and spirits of the people Jesus died for.  In fact, a building alone does not become "the church" until those who proclaim Christ gather there...before we arrive, it is an edifice like any other.  Take a pause and think about that (Selah).
Given this fact, the people within a congregation are responsible for its condition and reputation at any point in time.  Jesus left us "in charge" to continue the work He began in the Earth. 
My heart is grieved by the amount of pervasive and gross darkness that is able to run rampant throughout the Church of Jesus Christ today.  It is shameful and detestable in the eyes and heart of God.  It is not solely the reality of the sin that is alarming; but even more so that the children of God--even in leadership positions, that are aware of the blatant sin and rebellion  in the lives of one another--permit it to take place by way of SILENCE. 
I am a strong advocate of conducting frequent self-assessment as people in general, but especially as children of God.  The Word of God (the Bible) exhorts us to judge ourselves, lest we be judged.  If a person is not honest or transparent enough with themselves to self-assess, then accountability from other trusted people should be sought and welcomed. 
The Body of Christ is a FAMILY.  That means we belong to and are indebted to one another as brothers and sisters.  Our lives DO NOT belong to ourselves...they are God's alone.  The sinful behaviors that we entertain (allow) in the Church...IS OUR BUSINESS.  GET INVOLVED.  THIS IS WHAT LOVE DOES.  THIS IS WHAT GOD WOULD DO AND PERMITS US TO DO.  His Word declares that He chastises the ones He loves... let's be like Jesus and bring CORRECTION...first to ourselves and equally to each is our right and responsibility in order to BE THE CHURCH God originally designed us to be.
I haven't nearly been able to efficiently scratch the surface of my passion as it relates to this epidemic in the present day Church.  However, start with yourself today and ask God daily to help you to search your own life.  If we more effectively handle our individual lives according to God's biblical pattern, the Body of Christ as a collective Church can have the power required to revolutionize and reform a world in preparation for the Coming of our Risen Lord. 
My-Life, if you go to church and believe in Christ, what steps do you take daily to perform a self-assessment?  If you do not go to church or believe in Christ, what kinds of behaviors do you see from Christians that make you NOT want to become one, all things being equal?
Cicely Victoria Wilson is an equipper of people and revealer of truth and wisdom.  She writes to impart, provoke, empower, stir, equip, reform, contend, encourage, heal, reveal, expose, challenge, identify, help, strengthen, and above all.....LOVE.  Through her writing she desires to create an awareness of present day truth and responsibility of reformation of Godly identity within individuals and systems that produce Kingdom citizens and culture. She can be reached at


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