Monday, February 28, 2011

Give it Where it is Due

by Cicely Wilson

Psalm 29:1-2  Ascribe to the Lord, O sons of the mighty, ascribe to teh Lord glory and strength.  Give to the Lord the glory due to His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness or in holy array.
Hebrew definition of "Ascribe:"  To give, to go to, to bring, to ascribe, come on, set, take.
Understandably, there are several different forms and expressions of worship which are displayed in the church today.  There is worship that is radical and loud as well as worship that is more reserved and conservative.  Different strokes for different folks, after all, every person is distinct in personality. 
Nevertheless, no matter what suits your fancy or is the most authentic style of worship for you, it is important to recognize to give the Lord that which is DUE His name.  I say this to dispel the popular opinion that we are to congregate together as the Church of Jesus Christ to GET something from the Lord.  Too many times I am saddened in my spirit by the apathy toward praise and worship that is displayed in some congregations today. 
It is my belief that this is due to the people of God who have not come to the house of Lord with a heart prepared to extend worship to the King.  I use that word "extend" because a true worshipper of God does not only demonstrate adoration to the Lord when there is a "service". 
Could it be for those who are challenged in worship in being free to pour love on the Father have little or no worship experience with God outside of "church" in order to have anything to give?  So what do these saints resort to?  Waiting on instructions to raise their hands, shout "Glory! Hallelujah!", while placing unspoken demands on the leaders of worship to "bring them" into the presence of God.  God forbid that they don't care for the songs for that day, I'm sorry God, you can forget getting what you are DUE.  
According to Psalm 29:1-2 we are to ASCRIBE to the Lord, meaning GIVE, GO TO, BRING, GIVE OUT, SET, etc.  I like that word SET, it suggests to me an establishment of preparation, an intent, a goal, a purposed pursuit.  SET.  It's a verb, meaning it does something...first with making the decision that I WILL bless the Lord at ALL TIMES.  I will GIVE OUT to the Lord.  I will BRING to Him the glory that is DUE His name.  Notice I've frequently emphasized that word "due". 
Due speaks of obligation, not something determined based on how you feel that day.  DUE.  It belongs to Him.  Praise....Worship....IT BELONGS TO HIM.  Why?  Simply because of His WORTHship of it.  Not based on "your song" coming on or how cute your outfit is that day in order for you to be seen.  I challenge you to worship Him in Spirit and in truth when no music is playing, when no leader is giving you instruction, when you're not being seen...except by Him.  This is true worship.  That's why it is spoken of as a lifestyle.  
I received a glorious nugget today that I will leave with you..."You can't worship until you VALUE what God (the King) is offering."  So, if you happen to be one of those who are challenged with spontaneous worship, assess how much you value the God that is DUE all glory, honor, and praise.
Cicely Victoria Wilson is an equipper of people and revealer of truth and wisdom.  She writes to impart, provoke, empower, stir, equip, reform, contend, encourage, heal, reveal, expose, challenge, identify, help, strengthen, and above all.....LOVE.  Through her writing she desires to create an awareness of present day truth and responsibility of reformation of Godly identity within individuals and systems that produce Kingdom citizens and culture. She can be reached at


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