Saturday, February 19, 2011

The "P" Principle

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (James 1:2-4 NIV)

This scripture is the embodiment of my present day.  May will mark one year since I earned my double Master's degree (with honors) from a very prestigious university.  Whoopee and praise God, right? 

Well, one year after graduation, I still find myself without full time work in my field of study.  I had no idea of the trials and tribulation that would face me as I began my journey of transition into a new career.  Entry level pay, over-qualifications, hours invested in completing online applications, ineligibility for unemployment, technically "homeless", and the list goes on. 

What was going on? 

It was not supposed to be this way or be this hard at all.  I spent months doing all I know to do, invested countless hours toward my new future.  "Lord, what am I doing wrong?"  "Why is NOTHING moving for me?"  I began to feel bad for myself, hopeless and helpless.  The Enemy suggested I was a fool for spending all that time and money to go back to school just to find myself in a worse place than before I began.  The Lord informed me that a new level of my faith walk had begun and the "easy" way of life that I was accustomed to before...would be no more.  Why? 

Because the testing of my faith produces PERSEVERANCE.  This new level of faith would be required not for where I've been, but for where He desires to take me.  He began to alter my perspective, get me out of my emotions and the focus of my problems, sober and renew my mind, and provoke me to GO ON (persevere). 

During this process, God established within me a greater level of trust in Him such as I have never experienced before.  Why?  Because I was sad and needed it?  NO.  For the sole purpose that I may be MATURE and COMPLETE...LACKING NOTHING. 

Mature and complete means that my success is no longer based on the work I acquire (or lack thereof), credentials I have received, or money accrued in my bank account.  Rather, my success is determined by my ability to TRUST GOD and GO ON unquestionably, no matter what. 

When I learned to LET GO, and not blame myself, the economy or the devil, I entered into the REST OF GOD.  This is the place of IT DON'T MATTER....GOD IS FOR ME.  This is revelation and peace that comes ONLY from the place of trials, tribulation, and persecution.  No short cuts. 

Perseverance is a principle taught and learned from LIVING.  Submitting to the truth that it is God's agenda....not ours.  God's timing....not our own.  His best interest...not mine.  This existence is not is trust....and when you have all that you need to persevere. 

One day at a time....GO ON...GO ON...GO ON...enduring until the end.

My-Life, how has living taught you, and what lessons have you learned?

Cicely Victoria Wilson is an equipper of people and revealer of truth and wisdom.  She writes to impart, provoke, empower, stir, equip, reform, contend, encourage, heal, reveal, expose, challenge, identify, help, strengthen, and above all.....LOVE.  Through her writing she desires to create an awareness of present day truth and responsibility of reformation of Godly identity within individuals and systems that produce Kingdom citizens and culture.  She can be reached at


Anonymous said...

hey girl!!!!! you are speaking chainbreaking truth!! this has been God's work in me for the past two years as well. i am overwhelmed with thankfulness for the humility it has produced and the revelation of God's sovereignty. the very places that God placed me that i thought were "beneath" me were very clear stepping stones for the place of abundance and answered prayer that God has me now. i marvel at this everyday because in my frustration and impatience i came extremely close to making a way for myself that would have caused me to miss key connections and put me on a dead end path.
great post!!! keep it up!!!!

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